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The Sharps Unleashed Page 4
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Page 4
“Sir, I’m going to need you to take a breathalyzer.”
Eric jogs back to the cruiser at Robin’s statement to grab the breathalyzer device, and the drunk man stumbles forward, jabbing a finger towards Robin’s chest, but doesn’t touch her.
“Stupid bitch. Who gave your colored ass a badge? ”
The other loggers glance at each other and start backing up, looking very nervous, and nonchalantly set their beers down on the picnic table.
“Hey!” The drunk man takes a step closer to Robin, getting within two feet of her. “I’m talking to you. What you doing coming to our hotel bustin’ up our party?”
“Sir, I need you to blow on this.” Eric returns with the device, and the bearded man laughs and spits on the ground in front of Eric. “Stupid fag, I aint blowin’ your dick even for a million dollars.”
Eric blushes and glances at Robin, feeling embarrassed from the man’s misunderstanding of the situation and his homophobic comment.
“Sir, this is a breathalyzer. I need you to put your mouth on this piece, and blow.”
“Get your brown whore to blow your dick, you fucking pig!” The bearded man throws his can of beer at Eric, which is mostly full and drenches his chest and right pant leg. “Ok, let’s go. You are under arrest for assaulting an officer of the law, disorderly conduct, being intoxicated in a public place, and interfering with police business.”
Eric tries to grab the man to cuff him, but the man shoves him off, and screams, “Rape! Gay rape!”
He laughs hard and spins with a dirty sneer twisting his face and tries to punch Eric in the face. Eric takes the man down quickly, and while the man struggles, he gets him cuffed. With him kicking and screaming, and throwing out racist and homophobic comments, Eric drags him to the cruiser. Robin opens the door for the back seat, and Eric shoves the man inside.
After he closes the door, he and Robin return to the other men to get their names down for the police report .
“Now, we’re going to check your tags and then we’ll be out of your hair. Watch how many of those you drink. We don’t want to be called back down here after we leave.”
All of the men grumble about only having one more and calling it a night soon, but Robin and Eric know better. As soon as they leave, they’ll be laughing about this situation and drinking all night.
Robin and Eric walk back out to the hotel parking lot with tablets in their hands, and they run the tags for all thirty rigs. As they meet up at the end of the row, they shake their heads.
“Nothing, again.”
Robin nods and turns her tablet off. Between looking all over the mountain side for the missing trucks, they’ve been using the list that Vera from the DMV provided to run the tags and compare them to the actual vehicle they’re attached to. Robin wants to rule out the possibility that someone switched the tags on the missing trucks in order to hide them in plain sight.
As Robin’s about to get in the driver’s side, her phone vibrates with a new message. She puts her tablet on the hood of the car and pulls her phone out.
Grace: Hey, babe, I’m going to be late getting home. We just had a major break in a case. I’m thinking I’ll be home around 9-10pm. I’ll text you if I’m going to be later.
Robin: Ok, good luck. I love you.
Grace: I love you too.
“Everything ok?” Robin nods as she slips her phone in her pocket and grabs the tablet. “Grace has to work late. Let’s get this guy into holding so he can sober up. ”
While they drive, the man alternates between singing, cursing them out, and groaning about feeling sick. When they get to the station, it takes both Robin and Eric to get him into the prison to be processed because he struggles so much or won’t support himself on his own feet. Two officers come over with gloves on their hands and their noses curl in disgust.
“Oh, come on, man, did you just soil yourself?”
The bearded man laughs and shakes his left leg out, causing a couple small pools of urine to form on the tile floor.
“You know, I’m feeling like cutting some timber.”
The man squats slightly and his face pinches and turns red as he strains.
“You shit your pants, and you’re staying in those clothes till you’re released.” The man laughs and shakes his head. “Then I’ll sue you for maltreatment.”
“You got him from here, Garcia?” The officer nods as his face flares with anger from watching the bearded man squat down again. “Yeah, we’ll take really good care of him. Let’s go, asshole.”
He rips the man up to a standing position and drags him towards the showers.
Robin and Eric walk back to the coffee machine and fill their mugs. Eric drinks back a large gulp before looking down at his shirt, which is still slightly damp with beer.
“I need to…”
“Sharp, Jones, let’s go, we’re all going to Freddy’s for drinks and dinner.” Eric looks hopefully at Robin and Robin shrugs a shoulder. “Sure, why not?”
Eric smiles and they empty their coffee mugs before following Andre and the other ten officers out to the parking lot. Resembling a raid in progress, the police cruisers pull out of the parking lot one after the other, forming a long caravan to drive to Freddy’s .
Freddy’s is the largest restaurant and bar in town, and has a large dance floor, which is usually occupied by cowboy boot and hat wearing men and woman country line dancing. The building looks like a western roadside biker bar from the outside, with a large light bulb sign blinking and illuminating the name Freddy’s with a large neon light mug of beer spilling over. The parking lot is packed, as always, and the loud country music can be heard even before they get out of their cars.
As they walk inside, a busty red tube top and skimpy jean shorts wearing blonde woman hops over with a bright smile and curls her ponytail around her fingers.
“Howdy, boys. You want a high-top or a regular table?”
Andre runs a hand over his broad muscular chest with a wide cheesy grin and steps closer to her, towering over the hostess by about ten inches, and looking like he’s ready to take a bite out of her.
“Which height would be easier for you to sit on my lap, doll face?”
She giggles and spins around to grab menus for the group. She grins up at Andre and leads them to a standard height table close to the dance floor. She goes around the table, bending over close to each officer as she places a menu down in front of them, including the four women. When she gets to Andre, she remains bent at the hips, with her large breasts spilling out of her top, and only several inches from his face.
She places a hand on her left breast, and asks, “Is this table ok?” Not even looking at her face, and staring at her breasts, Andre says, “It’s fantastic. Very, very nice.” She giggles and stands upright. “See ya later, alligator.”
Andre makes a growling noise and chops at her, making her giggle again.
Robin and Eric share a disgusted look before picking up their menus. Another tube top and short shorts wearing girl hops over with a bright smile and a pad of paper and pen in her hands.
“Howdy! What can I get y’all to drink?”
“Bring us three pitchers of draft to start.”
“Uh, Brooks doesn’t speak for all of us.” Andre rolls his eyes at Officer Sandra Conner, who is sitting on Robin’s other side. “Bring me a dry martini with two olives, please.”
“Sure thing. Anyone else?”
While a few more people order other drinks, Robin decides to text Grace to let her know she’s out, just in case she gets done early and tries to surprise her, since she’s done that on multiple occasions.
Grace: That’s great, babe. You need to do something fun. Just don’t have too much fun. I better not come home to you with one of those girls in our bed.
Robin laughs hard and shakes her head as she types a response.
Robin: You know that would never happen. Wait till I tell you about this disgusting show between Andre and Tiffany, the hostess.
Grace: That man is a pig. Ok, I have to go. Have fun.
Robin: Thanks, I’ll try.
“Checking in with your ball and chain?”
Robin looks up with a smile still on her face from her brief conversation with her wife. Andre’s comment doesn’t even cause her any agitation, as he normally does .
“Ignore him, that’s what the rest of us do. How is Grace?” Robin smiles at Sandra and laughs a little at the dirty look Andre gives her. “She’s great. She has to work late tonight though.”
“Kevin is working late tonight too. I figured this was better than having a frozen meal. There was no way I was cooking just for myself.”
“Oh, come on, stop being so boring. What was the deal with that troll you guys dragged in before we left?”
Eric groans at Andre’s question and Robin releases a small laugh. Eric playfully pushes her shoulder, and Robin laughs hard.
“He had the hots for Jones.” Even though he tries not to, Eric laughs hard and shakes his head before saying, “The guy was fucking trashed. I told him to blow on the breathalyzer, and well, he kept accusing me of asking for something else.”
Everyone laughs and a couple of the male officers, including Andre, toss out jokes about Eric getting a blow job from a drunken troll.
“Garcia and Jamison have the worst of it. The guy pissed himself and was trying to shit his pants when we brought him inside.”
All of them groan and shake their heads as they throw out disgusted comments.
“Man, I had a guy do that in my cruiser last week. These out of towners are disgusting. He was wasted and literally pulled his pants down on the way into the station and took a shit on the back bench. I felt horrible for the guys that had to detail it afterwards. The only conso
lation was the man face planted in his own shit when we parked.”
They laugh hard at Sandra’s story, and Officer John Glenn sits forward waving his hands.
“Hold up. I can top that. ”
“Here you go, boys and girls.”
Two waitresses appear at the side of the table before John can tell his story. They set the drinks down and their original waitress stands poised with her pad of paper and pen.
“Y’all ready to order?”
While Andre and John fill and pass mugs of beer around the table, everyone places their orders for dinner. After the waitresses leave, everyone reaches forward for their drinks. As Robin is setting her beer down, the hostess comes hopping by and Andre catches her hand, pulling her over to the table. She releases a shrill giggle as her momentum and Andre’s tug causes her to spin and land on his lap.
“Hello, doll face.” She laughs and playfully smacks his chest. “You are a very bad boy. I’m trying to work.”
“Oh, I haven’t even begun to be a bad boy.”
He scans her body up and down with a grin, and she giggles again. She pats his cheek and pushes against his chest as she stands up.
“I better not see another girl in your lap tonight.”
She winks and struts away with her round thick ass switching from side to side. Andre licks his lips while he watches her, which causes Robin and Eric to share another disgusted look as they grab their beers at the same time.
“So, what’s this top-secret case you two are working on?” Robin shakes her head at Andre. “None of your business.” Andre laughs and grabs his beer. “It can’t be that important if it involves unsolicited blow jobs from drunken trolls. So, if he was offering, would you have…?”
“Aw, come on, man, don’t be disgusting with that gay shit.” Everyone looks to the far end of the table at Officer Jacob Henley with wide eyes, and he throws a dismissive hand at them. “All of y’all can fuck off with that look. Look, lesbians are hot as fuck, but gay men – that’s just disgusting. ”
“You know, they say the one who protests and despises something the most has the most to hide. I think maybe Jacob likes him some wiener in his buns.”
“Fuck you, Brooks.”
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Sorry, brother, I’m strictly a boobs and pussy man, but if you slip Garcia some cash, I’m sure he’d give you a crack at the troll in lockup. Get it, crack?”
Andre laughs hard at his corny joke, and Jacob just glares at him with his face flaming bright red in anger and embarrassment.
“Anyway, let’s do some shots.”
“We have to work tomorrow. I’m not doing shots.”
“Aw, come on, Spears, lighten up! Hey, doll face.”
Andre catches the hand of their waitress as she’s walking by to attend to another table.
“What’s up, sugar?” Andre grins and looks her up and down. “What’s up with you, sweet thing?”
“Oh, you better watch it. Tiffany has her eyes on you tonight.”
Andre laughs hard and glances over towards the front of the bar where the hostess is standing with her arms crossed over her chest and is staring at him. Andre holds up both hands like he’s surrendering, and the bouncy blonde grins at him.
“Can you bring us a round of shots?”
“Sure thing. What kind?”
“That shit drink Charlie made the other night. What’d he call that thing – The Great Timber?”
“Oh, sugar, are you trying to get wasted? Don’t y’all work tomorrow?”
“Yes, we do, so don’t bring that shit.” The waitress giggles at Officer Spears as Andre throws a peanut at him. “Don’t mind that square. Bring us a round for the whole table. ”
The waitress smiles and hops away to fulfil Andre’s order. Spears reaches across the table and punches Andre hard in the shoulder, calling him a jackass.
Robin leans back with her beer, and just watches her comrades banter, joke, and harass each other.
After a while, Eric leans back, slightly leaning in closer to Robin, and whispers, “Is it just me, or does Andre seem a bit extra tonight?” Robin nods and leans in to whisper, “It’s not just you.”
“You think he’s on something?”
“No, but something is definitely making him cockier than usual.”
“Hey, what you two whispering about?” They look at Andre and share a meaningful glance before sitting forward. “There’s no whispering at Freddy’s, unless you’re talking dirty and I doubt the lesbian and troll fucker are swapping dirty desires, so cut it out.”
“Troll fucker? First of all, it was a blow job.”
Andre laughs hard at Eric’s joke and Jacob releases a loud groan of frustration and stands up, mumbling, “Stupid faggots”, as he stomps off towards the bar.
“Alright, now that the homophobe is gone, what’s the second of all?”
“I didn’t have a second of all. That’s as far as my mind got.”
Andre takes a large gulp of beer and then releases a, “woohoo”, sound as the waitress returns with their shots.
“What the fuck is in that?”
The waitress smiles at Spears as she sets the tall double-shots down in front of each of them.
“Basically everything. There are six different types of alcohol, clear and dark. So, if you have a problem mixing, you best be careful with this one. ”
“Fuck you Brooks for ordering this swine swallow.” Spears picks up the shot glass and sniffs it, and recoils with a groaning cough of disgust. “Oh, man, this is going to be bad. Alright, get that mother fucker back from the bar so we can do this. I’m not taking this shot if that douchebag doesn’t.”
“Hey, Henley, get your ass back over here!”
Jacob waves an angry hand at Andre, but Andre holds up the shot and he storms back over to the table.
Everyone lifts their shots, says, “Cheers”, and shoots them back. Some of them get it down in one big gulp, but most of them need two to three to get it down. All of them release disgusted groans of distaste and shake their heads.
“That was disgusting. Tell Charlie he’s a jackass for creating this.” The waitress laughs at Spears and nods. “Sure thing, sugar. Anything else y’all need?”
“Another shot. Let’s do the…”
“Brooks, shut the hell up. We’re not doing another shot. Why are you trying to get everyone drunk?”
“Ah, come one, it’s on me. It’s all on me. I got all of y’all tonight.”
“Come into some big money recently, big shot?” Andre grins at John and shrugs a shoulder. “You can say that.”
“Yeah? Doing what, blowing trolls?” Andre laughs hard as Jacob storms away from the table again. “I started investing in the future and it’s paying in major dividends.”
“How did your dumb ass pick winning stocks to make some profit?” Andre flashes a cocky grin as he grabs the pitcher of beer to refill his mug. “Don’t let this handsome rugged exterior fool you. I know a good opportunity when I see it. Hey, doll face, can we get a couple more pitchers of beer? And bring us a round of the Four Horsemen.”
“Ok, sugar.”
As she’s walking away, two guys from the kitchen come out with trays loaded with their meals. After placing a few bottles of ketchup and steak sauce on the table, they leave, and Jacob returns, roughly picking up his burger and giving Andre a dirty look as he takes a large bite.
Everyone dives into their meals, and Robin enjoys the lack of banter and vulgarity from her comrades while she eats, but it’s cut short when the waitress returns with the pitchers of beer and a new round of shots.
Andre holds up his shot, and with a mischievous grin, he says, “The Four Horsemen bring the apocalypse, so y’all better get to confessing your sins so you can make it to heaven tonight.” He laughs and licks his lips. “Alright before we take the shot, everyone has to tell a secret.”
“Dude, grow up. We’re not playing some stupid truth or dare drinking game. Come on, let’s do this so I can get back to my steak.”
“Spears, chill out. You go first, then you can eat, you damn pig.”
“Fuck you, man, I weigh less than you. Fine, I once killed a man with my bare hands because he was getting on my nerves.” Andre rolls his eyes. “That was lame, man.” Spears takes his shot and shrugs a shoulder. “Oh well, that’s the best you’re getting from me, loser.”